Thursday, September 28, 2006

In the Weird Darkness

There was a blackout yesterday and I was left with nothing to do the whole day. It was such a complete boring day. It would be better if I were to go to school braving up against the stormy weather just to get there. Then it would be such a fun-filled day. Rico and I came into a conclusion that it would also be better if we all gather together and stare upon each other's stupid face and endure the boredome altogether. Now that's funny.

My Wednesday was somewhat different. I went to my first class pretty much late and I should be considered absent and I think I am absent for that class. It was a different atmosphere and it feels like something a foot. Trying to unotice it, I just went on through the day thinking positive, if I were thinking positive. Got into a debate with Gino on what we should do in our INSOCIO project. He was saying that we should have a talk show in our video, but who would want a tlak show in a music viedo? It depends in the theme I guess, but Gino is a slow learner and I do think he doesn't quite get it. He even cancelled the trip visit to a tribe where we should be shooting our video. He just doesn't get it. I know I am in charge of the finalization process of the video, but having to put pictures in it and effects that are part in the video was not part of my job description. I just finalize the video. Anyway he should provide me a good PC if he is still wanting to pursue his idea. Such lazy people. Yeah who am I talk, I too am lazy... :P bleh! Talking about weirdness. A simple debate and some people think it was quarell. Did I spelled that right? oh nevermind XP.

During the first break, I stayed behind and let the guys go on. I still have something to settle with DJ so it's best if I keep away for awhile. I just have to say sorry at the right moment when she would definitely listen that's all. Anyway, Kaye and Ivy offered me to go with them so I tagged along stating an excuse that I am in fact lazy to leave the campus. We took an early lunch at the cafe and spend the whole time there. During the second break, I headed off towards DLSU-M to watch the ROTC Week's program. I found Gerard and being busy with his platoon and pleasing his "associates" quote unquote that. Found Rico, and he pointed out his daugther for me to be enlightened. Found Abi and Kyle, Kyle was busy waving his platton flag while Abi rushed towards the stage to check the drums. It took awhile for the program to start so i headed off being all alone like that. As I exit the gates, I was spotted by Kaye, Ivy and my sister Stepy. I tagged along since i have no other choice left.

After classes were over, I spent sometime with my two sisters, Pay and Stepy and their freinds Dax(?) and Miggy(?) and some others as well. Nothing like hanging out a bit before heading home. Pay treated out for a little snack outside campus even though it is dripping wet outside. Silly her. Waiting for the isaw-isaw to be cooked, Gerard called and asked if I was around and offered me to go home with him and Rico. Of course I said yes right away. After eating I visit my mom and aunt for a bit berfore heading off towards the station where Rico, Gerard and I should meet. I ended up buying a ticket and finding out that they were at Mc Donanld's. Great. We had a long chat, a very long chat indeed full of romance, drama, comedy, action and adventure with a splice of horror and suspense. What-a-day it was.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Finally I could say that I am cured. Well not that fully healed but, at least I could walk out in the open not feeling down anymore. Thanks to an old friend of mine, I could live out in the sun. It's a shame though, but it doesn't bother me no more. Whatever happens I'll just be happy with it.

I shall be forever be a Spathi! A Spathi is an alien race that could be found somewhere out there in the universe. Eta Vulcalae something system I think. It doesn't matter. They are of a noble race that likes to help out with every species. They are brave yet, somewhat cowards. They refuse to fight as it leads to nothing. I really admire their kindred spirit. Anyhow, I'm a Spathi, and that I shall forever be.

Life is too short yet that long. When you see the opportunity, grab it. Don't let it get to waste. Life goes on no matter what, that is why... that is...I shall continue to live.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

I'm posting in weeks...It seems that I can't find some time to surf the net during weekdays. I guess it's inevitable since I'm always running home late. It's so boring to go home when your already outside, likewise it's so boring to go out when you're at home. I just can't stop on complaining no matter how much I say to myself that it will only lead me no where. Why can't I just wait for the sign that will put my feet together? I know I should work hard but, I just can't get my gears running. I'm always excusing myself out, laughing it way through as if nothing happened. But, when will it all stop?

I like this girl at school. She's the type in which she strictly follows what she believes in. I guess. But, a competition? No harm done if it were someone whom I don't know but, it is someone I know and is a friend. Normally I just joke myself out and continue as if it were a simple rivalry fun or I could just step back and let him do the honors. And I'm doing great at it with supporting past event to prove it. But, somehow it stabs my heart. Maybe because I'm just misinterpreting things, or I'm just too jealous that he's getting all the attention. Heck! I'm not even sure if my assumptions are correct. Yah, I suck, it's just an assumption but, still...

I liked another girl at school. Do I really like her or not? Why I like her, is a complete mystery...wait I might have something. I guess I like her since I've given up on the other one that I liked. That sucks.

I unconsciously ask for the sympathy of others. Asking them to do the dirty work for me. Unconsciously or not, it is not helping me and will only bring problems. Problem is, I don't know how to stop it or I have no idea it is happening. I should get my act together, but how? I've heard a lot of advices but it never worked or I never did tried them. I am too scared, full of doubt no matter how much I trust the person, I still doubt to myself. The cure is in me and I am doing nothing. Great! I really need that push. That push that will set things straight for me and therefore, I will work in order to cure myself. Man this sucks.

I'm feeling a bit lifted recently no matter how much I act as an angstly. I guess that's a good sign but, it is all because I'm liking someone else. Is that another problem? Great. Anyway, the class ia a tasked to do project in INSOCIO to make a simple yet very **enriching** video. Very ""easy"" to do in fact. Divided into four groups, each group should make a music video about the indegenous people using captured images or footage of REAL indegenous people---meaning that we have to go all the way into some rural place just to have a grade. Sure it is fun...I'm asking about those very strict parents that are so over protective and people that are so sossy. I just wish that we all gather-gather (sorry for the pun Mr. Tipontipon) and do the said project altogether despite the division into groups. Just one block bonding activity before we all takeour seperate roads.

A glimmer of hope...tch this entry is brought to you by the numbers 21 and 27 and by the letters I and I again? anyway 'till then.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

I'm feeling different as this new term comes. Somehow it feels strange, everything as if it was new again. It feels like I am again left out or I try myself to distance away from this people. I don't know why. I cannot explain it. All I know is that this won't take me anywhere. I must find a quick remedy for this feeling, I must act, I must do something.

Anyway... I like this girl at school, I liked her since the day I first saw her in one the school's classrooms. I don't know why, but she has this charm that catches my attention. She ain't that pretty, ain't that intelligent, ain't that cool; she's just your typical normal girl that you will pass by without noticing. All I did was made friends with her, that's what I did. Following the advice Rico gave me, I started out with a simple conversation and the rest, as what he would say, is history. Soon I'm friends with her and my friends and with her friends all having such a good time. Time passes and I fail to notice. A freind of mine encoutered a problem and seeking refuge, he chose her. Or sowhat I think. In my own opinion, I'm just thinking way to much. But I can't help it. Those two seems to enjoy being with each other I can' just help but wonder. I suck big time. And so now what? Try to hit on this girl's best briend instead? I surely suck. Yeah, I know she got the looks and everthing but, that would be just running away. Just great isn't it?

I'm feeling a bit angsty lately. It is as if I were an anti-social kinda guy. A rebellious in fact. Ican't seem to get a long with my folks at home and I seem to keep my distance away from my friends. Oh I so want to wake into reality!

This post is brought to you by the numbers 60 and 70 and by the letters D and S. See ya!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Second term is here, and they say this one's the fastest. If what they say is true, my last chance of having to be with my block is fast one. Time flies by oh so quick. Now what to do? I don't know. All I can think of making this term the best at it can be, but how am I planning on doing that is still unknown. I just so wish everything will turn out okay.

Right now I'm feeling sick and I just hope I'll get over with this sickness soon. Must take ample of rest. Oh man! Oh well happy days, sad days!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

I shall now post my college misadventures here.... This time for sure!
I just can't seem to get the hang of things... *sighs* I need a break! But I don't know what kind of break I need. I'm in a road that diverge into different paths. With so many to choose from, you'll surely be confused. *sighs* Now's the second term of my freshman year at DLS-CSB and more shall come. Oh well.... I just hope I can get things right....

Oh well...

Monday, April 24, 2006

Episode 1: The End?
The bell rings to mark the end of the day, and a lot of students were hurrying off to the school’s steel gate. It was another hard day of school since it was one of those days that made them stayed in school for a long period of time. It was also the end of their days in school for the year. Summer vacation has just began and everyone where excited for three months with no schooling and can’t wait to head off and have endless fun. Well, at least for most people that is.

A group of friends were walking towards the school’s gates. They were all seniors and it was their last time spending a day in that school. They would be graduates by tomorrow and frankly, they were uncertain of how they are feeling.

“Summertime again!” one of them said with a sigh. He was wearing glasses that match his pure black eyes and his short black hair. “I should be excited, but I can’t find the feeling.” He added as he turns around to take peek of the huge building.

“What’s the matter? Is it about tomorrow?” a girl asks worriedly. She was the same height as him, with short, bluish black hair tied on a ponytail and sparkling blue eyes. “You know Austell, graduation isn’t that bad… We’re all going at the same college anyway so what gives?”

“I guess so… I can’t tell, something tells me this would be different. What do you think Erika?”

“Of course, it is different. We’re not in high school anymore. We’ll be facing up new challenges from now on. We shall soon discover our true selves.”


“It’s not something to be afraid of you know.” A boy with a messy blonde hair remarked. He had already changed from their uniform into casual clothes. He ran up in front of them and declared. “Anyway, I have to go on ahead guys. I still have to fetch my sister from her piano lessons. Don’t forget about tomorrow! Party at my house right after graduation! See ‘ya!” he smirked and rushes off.

“Miguel sure loves his sister much.” Erika smiled while everyone sighed. “Speaking of the party, I still haven’t thought of a presentation yet.”

“I’m sure you’ll think of something.” Austell quipped.

“Have you guys thought of yours already?” Erika asked.

“I’m sure all of us have an idea by now.” A browned haired boy who was with them commented who has good eyesight but still prefers to wear glasses. “You’ll think of something, so don’t worry.”

“Thanks, Rico!”
They talked for sometime until they reached Rico’s house. It was quite huge; enough to hold up to five elephants to run amok. His mother, who was waiting for him greeted them and offered tea to his friends. The two declined the offer and bid farewell to the mother and to Rico. Silence, then fills the atmosphere while the two was walking along the side walk. Feeling awkward, Erika came up to the boy and asks something.

“Hey, why don’t we go shopping for presents, before we go home?” Erika said smiling

“You should have suggested that earlier,” Austell complained

“But I was thinking for a presentation to present tomorrow at the party…” she reasoned out

“So have you thought of anything?”

“Yep! So will you come with me? Please”

“Do I have choice?”

“Your mean” she pouted

“Sorry” he smiled. “Got any ideas on what to buy?”

“I know a store that has lot of neat stuffs, let’s check it out!” grabbing Austell’s hand and rushes off

“O-okay. He-hey slow down, will yah?” Austell said while trying to get off Erika’s grip and trying to keep up on her pace.

It was a small antique shop at the corner of the street. It had poor decorations on making it less inviting. On top of it was a banner that promotes its main attraction, which is fortune telling. Erika excitedly opened up the door and went inside dragging Austell along. Despite the small appearances from the outside, it was quite roomy inside and has lots of things that were frankly old. The two hop from one place to another checking each product that the store was selling. There were a few people inside also who lined up at the counter.

“Uhmm…Excuse me. What’s this line for?” Erika asked a lady who was waiting in line.

“Just to know our future. The store’s owner is a fortune teller, so you might also want to go and ask her also.” The lady replied.

“Interesting it may seems, but still looks like a waist of time in my point.” Austell sighed.

“Aww, come on. Just one try won’t hurt that bad, right?”


“I guess you friend here seems to be afraid to know the future.” The lady teased.

He only fixed his glasses and shrugged upon hearing the comment. Shortly, it was Erika’s turn. Both gaze in awe as they saw the storeowner wearing a light blue cloak that covered her body. Facing only at her crystal ball, she asked of what her client wants to know. Erika livened up and whispered something to the storeowner then blushed for a bit. Austell just tilted his head wondering what it was then sighed. The storeowner only replied with the word ‘soon’ making Erika sighed in discontent. The boy shook his head and step up to the counter.

“Thou doesn’t seem to believe in magic. What is thou want?” asked the lady who was staring deeply to his eyes.

“…ano…” he replied in puzzlement then shook his head again. “Oh well, might on just get on with it. Besides college, will there be any event that would seem interesting enough?’ he asked with a serious face.

The lady froze a bit and widened her eyes as she stares to her crystal ball. Her face were at shock as if she saw something bad then she smiled and said the word ‘soon’ again.

“Eh? Thanks I guess” Austell smirked and mumbled along, turning his back away from her when he was stop by the words she added.

“Wait! Do be careful on your decisions, or you’ll lose something dearly” the lady warned him.

Austell only shrugged and picked up a strange looking book and went over to the other side.

“I’ll do take care of my friends before it’s too late,” the lady said to the wind as if she was talking to someone else.

Alarmed, Erika went over to her friend and joined him in finding things that are suitable to give as presents. The boy merely shrugged at the girl and pointed on a vase that looks interesting. After buying the stuffs to give off as presents, Erika invited Austell over to dinner. The boy just shook his head and bid farewell to her as he walks along the path while night follows behind.

Morning came and Austell had overslept. His mom was trying her best to wake up him up but all efforts seems to be left in vain. Worried of being late for the graduation, his mom grabbed a bucket of water and poured it on top of him. He then jumped off of his bed as if lightning struck upon him. He was sent to the shower, which he hurriedly obeyed.

The school’s gym was filled with people, as it was the place were the commencement exercises for the seniors to be held. It was highly decorated from outside to inside to make the day, a very special day for all of the students as well as for their parents. Both the teachers and the students were already preparing for the ceremony to start. As the students lined up to prepare to march inside to start the event, a group of students were worriedly waiting for someone at the back of the line.

“He obviously had overslept again,” Rico sighed as he faces the line of students.

“Don’t worry, he’ll show up no matter what. If I were him, I wouldn’t make my sister late for this kind of event!” Miguel complained as he crosses his arms and nodded.

“What’s his sister got to do with this?” Erika asks in puzzlement. “Besides, his sister is inside the hospital right now. You should be ashamed,” she remarked

“Oh yeah, we still have to visit her before we go to your party guys. Sorta like, a present for both her and Austell,” Rico said as he points a finger at Miguel.

“Wha-eh?” Miguel points at himself in question. “Darn it, I completely forgot that!” He said so as he sighed. The two just laughed and gives him pat at the back.

“That’s not helping you know,” The blonde boy sighed

“HEY AUSTELL! YOUR LATE AGAIN!!!!” Erika screamed as she saw a boy wearing a white toga running like the wind to the gym. “When will he ever learn?” she sighed.

“You know, on special occasions, he’s the one who’s supposedly to arrive here earlier than everyone else,” Rico remarked as he peered up at front to see that’s the program was already starting.

“He-hey guys,” Austell said as he gasps in for air. “So what’s up?”

“Besides that your just in time for the show to get started, we’re just about minutes…” Rico said then paused for a while to check upon the number of students then looks up to his watch. “Wait, no, just hours away ‘till we can finally say that we are graduates of the high school level!” he exclaimed.

Austell just shrugged and kept on gasping air. The others gave a chuckle and sighed for the long duration of the program.

“Okay guys, let’s go let’s go! Remember to hold your hat on your right hand firmly at the chest,” A woman, who was wearing a baro’t saya and has brown curly wavy hair that dangles at her shoulder, told them putting her right hand on her chest. She was new a teacher of the school and yet, she handles most of the activities of the seniors.

“Take it easy Ms. Pri,” Miguel greeted her with a smile “Don’t worry, we’ve practice this a dozen times already,” he added as he marches off to his seat.

“Basics are always the key holders you know,” she quipped.

“Hi ma’am, hope to see you at the party,” Rico and Erika said in unison as they too marched to their seat. The teacher just nodded and smiled back.

“Ms. Priya… Thanks again I guess,” Austell said as he looks down on the floor.

“Aww come on, stop making this more painful, okay? Now go and have fun,” she replied as she gestured for him to march on as well.

“Good luck to us then, we’ll see you at the party,” he smiled and headed on to his friends. Again, she just smiled back in return.

The ceremony went on for hours as the school’s principal congratulate them one by one, together with their special awards. Miguel got an award for best in Math and Physics as Rico got an award for best in English and Economy. Erika got the best in Arts and Music as well as for Social Science while Austell got an award in best in Computer. Everyone except Miguel also got a loyalty award for staying in that school for nearly all of their lives.s