Monday, May 26, 2003

Yipee-hay-hey! It's raining! this is a sign that's school is coming. Alright! But man I'm so lazy posting some
blogs. 'sigh' I guess I just don't have much time for this. Bah, who cares, as long as I can post such blog it's
okay with me(MAN I didn't understand a word in this sentence, freaky!). In other topics, recently I'm having,
those what they say, the love-sick virus. I just don't get it! I hardly don't know how or why did this happen. Frankly,
at least all I care now is going to school and breathe in the smell of a battlefield. Yeah bye watever! Yup you guessed
it, this has been put together by the number 7 and the letter R :D WAT-A-LYF

Sunday, May 11, 2003

Nothhing like a day in choir The pleasant voices that sings in harmony as the melody goes, bah
MAN the day was too hot for me! Somebody give me eyes...I meant ice! Why does it have to heat
up so badly. At least the ended with beautiful scenery, gah I'm simply getting nowhere. Wat-A-Blog!
This blog was made possible by the number 18 and the letter B. buh-bye Wat-a-day !

Thursday, May 08, 2003

I miss school! Why, you asked? Even though it's only weeks away from now, I still miss it, all
the laughter and sorrows you need to walk with. Of course I miss it because I'm bored, but really
I just love school. So in other breaking news... ther has been a serious outbreak here inside my
head. Sources believe that I keep on seeing a resemblance to a friends face in other people's
faces. It is said that I really miss school or I'm just bored and hype so I keep on hallucinating,
freaky I tell you. Well I guess that's all for today, or was it, this blog has brought to you by the
letter F together with the number 5. bye-bye!!!